Privacy Policy

MotorWeb works with a variety of government and non government traffic management organisations.

MotorWeb Australia Privacy Policy 

  1. Our approach to privacy 

MotorWeb Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 32 128 803 690) (MotorWeb) and Vehicle ID Australia Pty Limited (VehicleID), (together we, our or us) respect your privacy and is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). This privacy policy sets out how we collect, use, store and disclose personal information.

We may modify this policy from time to time by publishing updates to it on our websites (Websites). We encourage you to check our Websites periodically to ensure you are aware of our current privacy policy.

  1. What personal information do we collect?

Personal information includes information or an opinion (whether true or not) about an identified or a reasonably identifiable individual. 

We may collect information in the following ways: 

  1. where you directly provide us with information during our dealings with you, including:
  • when you enquire about, try out or sign up to our services or products or otherwise contact us;
  • when you visit our Websites or register an account through our Websites; 
  • any information you provide to us e.g. name, job title, contact number and email address etc; 
  • your or your organisation's financial or billing information, such as billing address, bank account, payment details; or
  • any other information we notify you of beforehand; 


  1. automatic collection of your information, including: 
  • through the use of cookies and other similar technology (e.g. server logs); 
  • analytic information when you use our Websites, services or products e.g. your IP address, access logs, operating system, browser type, date and time of access and any downloaded information; or 


  1. from third party sources, including: 
  • your employer or contracting agency; 
  • analytic information from third parties; and 
  • information from public sources. 


  1. Why do we collect, use and disclose your personal information?

We may use your information for the purposes of:

  1. providing our services and products to you and/or your organisation;
  2. responding to any of your queries or communicating with you and managing our relationships with you and your organisation;
  3. identifying and developing new services and products you, your organisation or our customers may be interested in;
  4. analytical purposes or research purposes in order to help improve our services and products; 
  5. to manage, maintain and develop our services, products and systems; 
  6. training purposes to help train and improve our staff; 
  7. conducting, monitoring and analysing our business and internal operations;
  8. sending you marketing and new service or product offerings (unless you have opted-out of receiving such communications); 
  9. to send you surveys about our products and services (unless you have opted out of receiving such communications);
  10. complying with applicable laws and our other regulatory, accounting, reporting and contractual obligations; and
  11. protecting, exercising or defending our legal rights.



We may use cookies on our Websites to provide you with a more tailored experience. A cookie is a small data file stored by your computer to help improve functionality or tailor information to provide visitors to our Websites with more relevant pages. 

We may also use cookies to: 

  1. analyse website traffic to identify what visitors find most interesting so we can tailor our Websites; 
  2. for statistical or analytical purposes; or 
  3. for security purposes or to authenticate/identify whether you are registered on our Websites. 

If at any time you do not wish to accept cookies, you may manually configure your browser to refuse cookies or delete existing cookies. However, if you refuse to accept such cookies, you may be unable to experience the full functionality of our Websites. 


  1. Who do we share your personal information with?

We may share your information with the following parties: 

  1. our service providers and suppliers so they can provide services on our behalf, supply us with data or goods and/or manage our services; 
  2. our related bodies corporate; 
  3. your employer or organisation; 
  4. investors, agents, advisors or any other entity that has an interest in our business; and
  5. any person who represents you or that you have authorised to receive information held by us; and
  6. other persons, including government agencies, regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies and courts and as otherwise required or authorised by law.

While we aim to use services and instances that are in Australia, some of these parties may receive, access, process, host or store your information in overseas locations. This includes New Zealand. We may use cloud storage to store personal information we hold about you and these IT servers may be located outside of Australia. 

  1. How do we store and keep your information secure?

We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures to keep your personal information secure from misuse, interference, loss or unauthorised access, use or disclosure. 

We may hold your information in either electronic or hard copy form. Personal information is destroyed or de-identified when no longer needed or when we are no longer required by law to retain it (whichever is the later).

  1. Accessing or correcting your personal information

You can request access to, or correction of, personal information we hold about you by using the contact details below. If you request access to your personal information or ask us to correct or update information about you, we may need to verify your identity. 

In some circumstances, there may be a valid reason for us to deny your request to access or correct your information. For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality or legal professional privilege. If we refuse your request, we will tell you why.

  1. What if you don’t like how we handle your personal information? 

If you are unsatisfied with the way we have handled your personal information or our compliance with the Privacy Act, please contact us using the details below. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) on their website ( 

  1. Contact us

If you have any privacy-related questions or would like more information about how we handle your personal information, please contact us at 

Updated August 2024